Piccola Universita Italiana


At the Piccola Universita Italiana you will find just the language course in Italy you are looking for. Our extensive Italian language course programme consists of the following Italian language courses:

  1. Standard Italian language courses
  2. Customised Italian language courses
  3. Italian PLUS programmes
  4. Special language programmes
  5. Special rates for groups learning Italian

The diversified selection of language courses at our Italian language schools in Italy is directed at employees of international companies who need Italian in their professional lives, for university students who study romance languages or languages in general, or simply for people who appreciate this kind of cultural holiday where a better understanding of Italian culture and the Italian way of life is obtained.

A lot of our students just simply love Italy, Dolce Vita, Italian food, the Italian language and they value the professional and personal Italian lessons in a relaxed atmosphere.

The duration of a lesson unit is 55 minutes in all Italian language courses at our Italian language school.