Academia de Espanol Nicoya


At our spanish school there is a maximum of two students per teacher, guaranteed!

Expedite your learning  and increase your Spanish skills.

Our quality teachers are university degreed, have years of experience,  are patient and most important enjoy teaching.

Our courses are designed to meet your individual language needs.

We are located in the town of Nicoya, the historic capital of Guanacaste.  Our Institute is just steps from the town square with outdoor cafes and its colonial church built in1644.  A country setting away from the congestion of the big city and away from the tourist crowds.  There isn’t a better place to study.   Guanacaste province is hemmed in by the mountains to the east and the Pacific to the west.  A place of dry tropical forests (found nowhere else) mountains, beaches, rivers, and rural towns.

Guanacaste has more than ten national parks and reserves including the nesting site of the leatherback turtle, the largest reptile in the world.  An abundance of wildlife including the easily spotted howler monkey live here, as do many species of colorful birds.   Secluded and pristine beaches are as close as an hour away.  The center of the ancient pre-Columbian Chorotega people is the nearby town of Guaitil.  Guanacastans are always friendly, helpful, and a pleasure to know.