Alliance Francaise


Situated in the heart of Toulouse, a stone’s throw from the main shops and museums, our school (700m² newly renovated and air-conditioned) offers a new and inovating conception of learning French.

The Alliance Française of Toulouse Midi-Pyrénées belongs to an international network of Alliances Fraçaises with 1040 schools in 136 countries. All over the world, more than 460 000 students enrol in our courses. France has 29 Alliances with 13 of them dedicated to teaching French.

Established in 1984, the Alliance Fraçaise of Toulouse employs today 21 people. Our Host Family Accommodation Service manages around 400 families with an excellent standard of accommodations and different options. The whole structure is ruled by a Board of Directors and a President. The Alliance Française of Toulouse in a non-profit making association (Association loi 1901) and a Higher Education Centre.