Colegio de Estudios Hispanicos


The college, which is made up of several up to date and well-equipped centres is situated in the historic and commercial centre of the city, only a few metres away from the famous Plaza Mayor (Main square) of Salamanca.

The most important thing for the College is to guarantee that your course takes place in a welcoming atmosphere with accessible teachers who are always prepared to work with you throughout your stay whilst learning Spanish.

We are confident that at the end of your course you will be planning your next visit. We continue to work towards that end.

A characteristic of our college is the friendly atmosphere that exists between students and teachers which makes it possible for thousands of students to learn Spanish in a quick, effective and pleasant way.

The students who study with us come from varied ages and nationalities, so that an atmosphere of friendship and respect is created in which the different cultures of the various countries are brought together, with the unified aim of learning about the Spanish language and culture.

The following graph represents the average percentages of our students by Nationalities.