CPI Spanish Immersion School


CPI is the only Spanish immersion school that allows students to see more of Costa Rica by combining classes at 2 or all 3 sites located in distinct regions of the country: Heredia, Monteverde, and Flamingo Beach.

CPI Heredia is located in San Joaquín de Flores. Is popular among those who wish to be away from the traffic, pollution and tension of the city. An additional advantage of San Joaquín is the opportunity to gain an increased insight into Costa Rican culture in a town that is typically “Tico”.

Activities in Heredia include visits to a butterfly farm, a tour of a local coffee plantation, waterfall rapelling, hiking to the Barva Volcano, rain forest canopy tours, river boat excursions to Sarapiquí, as well as trips to museums, theatres, movies, and nightclubs in San José. The staff at CPI also arranges planned excursions throughout the week. San Joaquín is an excellent base from which to visit all of Costa Rica. This central location makes travel to San José easy, where bus connections to any part of the country are readily available.